Daybook, 1859.


Daybook, 1859.

Daybook, Jan.-Dec. 1859, lists daily sales giving the customer name, merchandise sold and cost.

1 v.


SNAC Resource ID: 7614002

Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library

Related Entities

There are 4 Entities related to this resource.

Yates, Smith and Co. (corporateBody)

General merchandise store owned by William Yates and Clark M. and Stephen Smith. The Smiths had been in the general merchandise business together in Carrollton, Ill. They came to Springfield in 1854 and went into partnership with Yates. In 1864, C.M. Smith became the sole proprietor until later that same year when John S. Condell bought a share in the business. The store had five departments: dry goods, clothing, shoes and boots, groceries and drugs. From the description of Daybook, ...

Yates, William, active 1797 (person)

Smith, Stephen D. (person)

Smith, Clark M. (person)